November 15, 2008

How to Cook Venison Loin at Deer Camp

There is no better way to prepare venison than this. It takes a campfire burned down to hot coals, a grill and a freshly killed deer. When our hunters are coming back into camp on the first morning, there is invariably at least one deer. We always immediately field dress the animal where it fell. It is brought to camp hung, skinned and boned.

As soon as the deer is skinned, the loins (sometimes called backstraps) are taken off. One or both of them, depending on the number and appetite of the hunters, will be prepared as follows:

Cut loin into slices one-inch thick

Rub with fresh garlic or sprinkle with garlic powder

Salt and pepper to taste

Baste with melted butter or extra virgin olive oil

Place on hot grill over hot coals and cook to no more than medium rare.

This is the reason people go to the wilderness, brave the elements, arise at a crazy hour, leave their hearth and home, stumble over unfamiliar terrain, endure shivering cold, sleep in profound discomfort, and put up with endless camp stories about successful five hundred yard running shots.

And it is okay, no, more than okay, recommended that it be eaten with your fingers. Be careful it’s hot.

A result almost as good can be achieved in the comfort of your kitchen without the ambiance of the out of doors (and the discomfort) by following the same recipe but using a very hot iron skillet. At table don’t use your fingers. It may not sit well with some family members.

~ enjoy

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